3.5. Monitoring text data [CODE PRACTICE]

A code example walkthrough of unstructured data evaluations using the open-source Evidently Python library.

Video 5. Monitoring text data [CODE PRACTICE], by Emeli Dral

In this video, we walk you through the code example of evaluations for unstructured data using the open-source Evidently Python library.

Want to go straight to code? Here is the example notebook to follow along.

Links to docs:

Outline: 00:00 Import libraries and datasets 02:26 Prepare a multimodal dataset with raw text 08:15 Text data overview report 11:18 Model-based text data drift detection 13:49 Adding custom text descriptors to report 17:50 Custom report with descriptor drift detection 23:55 Embedding drift detection

That’s it! We covered three use cases for evaluating unstructured data – multimodal data with raw text, detecting drift in text data with descriptors, and embedding drift detection – and learned to derive actionable metrics.

Last updated